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Welcome to your own journey within! No matter what particular issues you bring to therapy, you are about to embark on an inner path to transpersonal growth, empowerment, and well being!

Woman Standing on Dock
Woman Standing on Docks

Relationship Issues

How do you work with relationship issues?

I have expertise, training  and 20 years experience in working with relatonships, 5 years of which I worked exclusively with relationships. I will be able to help you with everyday or complicated problems of relating including built up resentment, frozen role expectations, communication and trust issues,  shut down modes of living, loving and relating, codependency and insecurity, clarifying and when possible building mutual respect for differences in outlook, and reawakening of friendship and closeness. We will be working toward building on existing assets as well as increasing your awareness of undercurrent feelings that stand in the way of the relationship.

Primarily we will be working with pure feeling awareness and communication of what each partner is feeling regarding the issues involved. Customized experential techniques will be created to help with your individual situation.

Emphasis is always on encouraging respect within the relationship for each individual's feelings, thoughts and desires. Rather than encouraging compromise, I emphasize finding ways to optimize each partner's realization of their own personal desires and chosen path within a mutual understanding that what is good for each individual benifits both.

I also work with individuals, whether you are currently in a relationship or not, about issues that may be keeping you from creating successful relationships of all kinds. Unrecognized feelings, such as fears about closeness and vulnerability,  or anger and hurt from both past and current  relationships, or unresolved feelings of grief or guilt, among others, can be interfering with your ability to open your heart to another person.Through experiential and pure feeling work, these feelings can be resolved and genuine healing achieved. Personality problems with person to person relating or relating to the opposite sex and self esteem issues also be successfully worked on in this way through such techniques as pure feeling awareness, inner dialogue, one person psychodrama, etc...